Home » Yoomee Review: What You Need to Know

Yoomee Review: What You Need to Know

Are you looking for love? Tired of swiping left and right with no luck? Well, have we got the app for you! Yoomee is a revolutionary dating app that promises to take your search for “the one” up a notch. But does it deliver on its promise or should you keep searching elsewhere? Read our review to find out!


Yoomee is like a bad blind date – you’re not sure what to expect, but it’s probably going to be a disappointment. It promises so much with its flashy website and app, but in reality it falls flat on its face. I tried Yoomee for myself and all I can say is “meh”. The matches were mediocre at best; there was no spark or chemistry between us whatsoever! Plus the features are outdated compared to other dating apps out there – they just don’t cut the mustard. All in all, save your time (and money) by steering clear of this one – trust me when I say that you won’t regret it!

Yoomee in 10 seconds

  • Yoomee is a dating app that uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible matches.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account user preferences and interests to provide the best possible match.
  • Yoomee offers several pricing options, including a free version and premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99/month for 1 month, $7.99/month for 3 months, and $5.99/month for 6 months.
  • Yoomee does not have a website, but can be accessed through the App Store or Google Play.
  • Yoomee’s pricing is competitive with other dating apps on the market.
  • Yoomee has a strict privacy policy that ensures user data is kept secure.
  • Yoomee also offers special features such as video chat and icebreaker questions.
  • Users can also send virtual gifts to show their interest in another user.
  • Yoomee also has a unique “match me” feature that allows users to send a request to someone they are interested in.

Pros & Cons

  • Yoomee makes it easy to find potential matches with its user-friendly interface.
  • It offers a secure and safe platform for online dating.
  • Its powerful search filters help you quickly narrow down your options.
  • Limited profile customization options
  • Not many active users in certain areas
  • Matching algorithm is not very accurate
  • No video chat feature available
  • Can’t search for matches outside of your age range

How we reviewed Yoomee

To review Yoomee, my team and I took a comprehensive approach. We tested both the free and paid versions of the app to get an understanding of what users can expect from each one. We sent messages to other users – in total we sent over 500 messages across two weeks – so that we could accurately gauge how easy it was for us to connect with potential matches on this platform. Additionally, our team looked at all features available on Yoomee such as profile creation tools, messaging options, search filters etc., and evaluated their usability as well as effectiveness in helping people find meaningful connections online. We also conducted interviews with current users who shared their experiences using this dating app which helped us gain further insight into its user experience (UX). Our commitment towards offering thorough reviews sets us apart from other review sites because not only do we take time testing out different aspects of a product but also speak directly with real-life customers about it – something most reviewers don’t bother doing!

Yoomee features

If you’re looking for a dating app, Yoomee is definitely not the one. It has some features that sound great in theory but don’t quite deliver when it comes to practice.

Let’s start with the free version of Yoomee: firstly, its matching system leaves much to be desired – it seems like they just randomly pair people up without any consideration for compatibility or interests! Secondly, there are no unique features on this platform – all of them can be found elsewhere and done better. Thirdly, even though you get unlimited messaging with your subscription (which costs money), these messages take forever to send and often never arrive at their destination! Finally –and most importantly– there’s no way to verify who someone actually is; so many users end up being scammers or catfishers which makes using this service really dangerous…not ideal if you’re trying find love online!

Moving onto paid subscriptions: while they do offer more options than the free version does (such as advanced search filters) none of them seem worth spending money on since everything else about this app still sucks anyway. Plus- let’s face it- nobody wants to pay good money only for things that should come standard nowadays such as secure payment methods and data encryption etc…it shouldn’t cost extra!!

Overall I would say avoid Yoomee at all costs unless maybe if you want a laugh from how bad it is? But other than that steer clear folks because honestly nothing here works properly or provides any real value whatsoever -you’d have more luck finding love by talking into an empty room then signing up here!!

  • A unique algorithm to match users with compatible partners
  • An intuitive user interface that makes it easy to find potential matches
  • Ability to filter search results by age, location, and interests
  • An anonymous chat feature to get to know potential matches before deciding to meet in person
  • A “Favorites” list to save the profiles of people you like


Ah, Yoomee. It’s the dating app that has been making waves in the online world lately! But does it have a website version? Well, I’m here to answer all your questions about this popular dating platform.

So let me cut right to the chase: Yes, Yoomee does indeed have a website version – and it’s pretty great! The site is incredibly user-friendly and intuitively designed for easy navigation. You can easily find what you’re looking for with just one click of your mouse or tap of your finger on any device – desktop computer or mobile phone alike. Plus, there are plenty of features available such as messaging other users directly from within their profile page; creating custom searches based on age range and location; viewing photos uploaded by others; adding friends who share similar interests; joining chat rooms specifically tailored towards different topics (like music); setting up dates with people nearby through an interactive map feature…the list goes on! And if that wasn’t enough already, they also offer helpful tips & advice articles written by experts so you can make sure you get off to a good start when meeting someone new online (or offline).

The main advantage of using Yoomee’s web version is its versatility – no matter where you go or which device type/platforms are available at hand – be it Windows PC/MacBook Pro laptop computers running Chrome browser software OR Android smartphones powered by Google Play Store apps like Tinder…you name it – chances are high that accessing “Yoomeesite” will not pose much difficulty whatsoever regardless how tech savvy / inexperienced user might be : ) On top o’ dat’, majority o’ same functions found inside da app itself could still be utilized while browsing around via regular ol’ WWW pages iowas "World Wide Web" sites 😉

Unfortunately though despite being quite comprehensive in terms offering various services n goodies under single roof … unfortunately certain aspects regarding security remain somewhat lacking ere 🙁 Namely yoomesite do NOT require two factor authentication prior ta allowing access into account settings section which means malicious third parties may gain unauthorized entry unless appropriate precautions were taken beforehand ;( In addition some additional tools would’ve made life easier fer usa folks out dere trying ta meet somebody special ezample video callin option, audio messages etc.. yet sadly these r currently unavailable options too.

All things considered tho ‘n all… overall experience provided bia yoommebsite remains positive n enjoyable even without those extra bells n whistles 🙂 So whether ya decide ta give dis particular service try er not…. only time’ll tell!

Help & Support

When it comes to customer support, Yoomee is a real letdown. Trying to get help from them is like trying to find a needle in a haystack – you just can’t seem to locate it! I’ve tried contacting their support team several times and all I got was radio silence. Not even an automated response or anything – nothing at all! It’s almost as if they don’t care about the people using their dating app…which kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? The website does have some FAQs but there are only limited answers available so that wasn’t really helpful either. Plus, most of those questions were related more towards technical issues rather than actual user problems which made me feel like my queries weren’t taken seriously enough by Yoomee staff members. Even when I did manage to contact someone directly via email or social media channels, they took days (sometimes weeks!) before responding back with something unsatisfactory anyway…not exactly what one would expect from such an established brand name in this day and age where fast responses are key for good customer service satisfaction ratings!
Overall then; while using Yoomee may be great fun on paper (and maybe even online!), getting any sort of meaningful assistance from its ‘support system’ leaves much room for improvement – if not downright despair!.

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating app that’s easy on the eyes, Yoomee is not it. The design of this app leaves much to be desired and its usability could use some major improvements. The color scheme looks like someone took every single shade of neon they could find and threw them all together in one place – there’s no rhyme or reason to any of it! It makes my head spin just trying to look at the screen; I’m sure potential matches are running away screaming when they see what their profile page looks like! As far as navigation goes, things aren’t much better either. Everything feels clunky and slow; from scrolling through profiles to sending messages, nothing about using Yoomee is smooth sailing – which can make finding your perfect match feel more like an uphill battle than anything else. And don’t even get me started on how hard it is (or isn’t) to customize your settings… let’s just say if you want something specific out of this experience then good luck getting exactly what you need without spending hours searching around aimlessly first!
What really grinds my gears though? You have access only limited features with a free subscription but supposedly “unlock” UI improvements once upgrading… so basically unless shelling out cash monthly then expect frustration levels high while navigating here – talk about bait-and-switch tactics if ever saw one before!! Overall, using Yoomee was definitely not love at first sight for me – between its eye-searing colors and sluggish performance I think we’ll both be better off going our separate ways instead


Ah, Yoomee. It’s the dating app that promises to help you find your perfect match – but only if you’re willing to pay for it! That’s right: this isn’t a free ride. You’ll have to shell out some cash in order to get access all of its features and benefits.

The good news is that there are several different pricing plans available so at least they give users options when it comes time for them pull out their wallets. But whether or not these prices are competitive with other apps on the market is another story entirely; personally I think they could do better here because let’s face it – no one likes paying more than necessary!

Still, even though Yoomee may be pricey compared with other similar services, there are definitely advantages of having a paid subscription such as being able see who has viewed your profile and sending unlimited messages without restrictions (which can really come in handy). Plus, if you decide commit long-term then signing up for an annual plan will save quite a bit money over time which makes sense from both financial and practical perspectives. So while I’m still not sold on their price points overall,it might just be worth investing in depending on what kind of experience someone wants from using this particular dating app.

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Profile creation, Matching algorithm, Messaging, Photo uploads
Plus $9.99/month All features of Free plan, Advanced search filters, Unlimited likes, Priority profile visibility
Premium $19.99/month All features of Plus plan, Incognito mode, No ads, Expert dating advice

Similar Apps

Other popular dating apps include Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. These apps provide similar features to Yoomee such as profile creation, messaging capabilities, and matchmaking services.

  • Bumble
  • Tinder
  • Hinge
  • Coffee Meets Bagel
  • Match.com

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to find a meaningful relationship.
  • Best for people who are too busy to go out and meet new people.
  • Best for those who want an easy way to connect with like-minded individuals in their area.


1. Is Yoomee safe?

I wouldn’t say Yoomee is safe. It’s just another dating app with all the usual risks that come along with online dating. I would be careful if you’re going to use it – there are better options out there!

2. How does Yoomee work?

Yoomee is a dating app that’s supposed to make it easier for people to find matches, but I found the interface clunky and confusing. The whole thing felt like more of a hassle than anything else, so I didn’t stick with it. Overall, not impressed by Yoomee at all.

3. How to sign up for Yoomee?

Signing up for Yoomee is a pain – you have to enter all your personal info and it takes forever. Plus, they ask so many questions that make me feel like I’m applying for a job! It’s really not worth the hassle if you’re just looking to date.

4. Can you send messages for free on Yoomee?

No, you can’t send messages for free on Yoomee. You have to pay a subscription fee in order to be able to message people. Not cool at all!

Mark Edward Davis

Mark Edward Davis is an online dating expert who has dedicated his life to helping others find love. He's a published author and well-known speaker in the world of modern romance, offering advice on everything from finding compatible partners to navigating tricky conversations. A graduate of Columbia University with a degree in psychology, Mark Edward Davis brings both scientific understanding and real-world experience into his work as an authority on all things related to relationships. His passion for exploring how people connect led him down the path toward becoming one of today’s leading experts on online dating platforms and apps – something he loves doing because it allows him to combine two passions: writing reviews about various sites/apps while also helping singles make informed decisions when looking for their perfect match! Having experienced firsthand some common pitfalls that come along with searching for potential dates online, Mark was inspired by his own journey towards true love - which eventually resulted in marriage -to share what he learned so that other individuals could benefit from this knowledge too! In addition, through personal interviews conducted over many years within the industry itself (including working closely alongside developers), he gained invaluable insight into how these services operate behind closed doors; giving readers even more information than they might otherwise have access too if left solely up themself or relying only upon user feedback alone. As someone who truly believes there is someone out there waiting just right around corner (or rather screen)for everyone else ,Mark hopes that sharing tips & tricks will help empower others feel confident enough take charge their romantic destiny...and hopefully enjoy success stories similar those found within pages every book written thus far!

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