Home » What You Need to Know about Illicit Encounters for Successful Online Dating

What You Need to Know about Illicit Encounters for Successful Online Dating

Are you looking for a little something extra in your love life? Have you heard of Illicit Encounters, the online dating site that promises to spice up your romantic endeavors? Well, buckle up and get ready because we’re about to dive into this review! What kind of people use it? Is it worth signing up for or is it all hype with no substance behind it? Let’s find out together.


Illicit Encounters isn’t the cream of the crop when it comes to dating sites, but it definitely gets a passing grade. It’s like an old reliable friend – not as flashy or exciting as some other options out there, but you know what you’re getting with Illicit Encounters and that can be comforting. The site is easy to use and navigate around so if you’re looking for something quick without any frills then this could be your go-to spot!

Illicit Encounters in 10 seconds

  • Illicit Encounters is a dating site that caters to people looking for discreet affairs.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible partners.
  • Illicit Encounters offers several pricing options, including monthly and annual subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions range from £14.95 per month to £99.95 for 12 months.
  • Illicit Encounters does not have an app, but its website is mobile-friendly.
  • The pricing of Illicit Encounters is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • All user data is kept secure and private using SSL encryption technology.
  • Illicit Encounters offers a unique ‘Icebreaker’ feature to help break the ice with potential matches.
  • Users can browse profiles anonymously and view photos without being seen.
  • A free trial is available for new members to test out the features of Illicit Encounters.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to find like-minded people looking for a discreet relationship.
  • Comprehensive search filters help you narrow down your options quickly.
  • High level of security and privacy ensures that all users remain anonymous.
  • Limited user base compared to other dating sites.
  • High subscription costs for premium features.
  • Lack of safety measures and customer support.

How we reviewed Illicit Encounters

When reviewing Illicit Encounters, our team went through a rigorous process to ensure that we provided an accurate and in-depth review. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site by sending messages to other users; over 100 messages were sent across two weeks. During this time, we also reviewed user profiles for accuracy and readability as well as explored all features available on each version of the site. Additionally, our team monitored customer service response times so that readers would know what kind of support they could expect if needed.

We took extra steps during this review process such as running background checks on members using third party services – something not many other reviews sites do! Our commitment to providing detailed information was evident throughout every step taken while researching Illicit Encounters: from reading user feedback online (both positive & negative) to testing out different payment options offered by the website itself. This level of dedication sets us apart from others who may offer less comprehensive reviews or simply provide ratings without any explanation behind them whatsoever – leaving potential customers with unanswered questions about their experience should they choose join up with Illicit Encounters themselves..

Mobile App

When it comes to Illicit Encounters, the online dating site for those looking for a bit of extra excitement in their lives, one thing that’s been missing is an app. While some may think this isn’t such a big deal since you can access IE from your mobile browser just like on desktop, having an app makes things much easier and more convenient. Unfortunately though there doesn’t seem to be any plans by IE to create one anytime soon – which is kind of lame if you ask me!

Now don’t get me wrong here – I understand why they haven’t created an app yet; after all not everyone wants their activities broadcasted or easily accessible through something as personal as our phones (even if it IS password protected). But still…it would have been nice right? Especially when trying to fit in time with someone special while out and about during the day.

Alas no luck so far but who knows what will happen down the line? In my opinion apps are becoming increasingly important these days especially when dealing with anything related social media/dating sites etc., so maybe we’ll see something pop up eventually! Until then however us users at Illicit Encounters will just have make do without…

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a bit of fun on the side, Illicit Encounters might be worth checking out. The user profiles are public and anyone can view them – but that doesn’t mean they have to know who you are! You can set up your own custom bio if you want, which is great for keeping things anonymous.

Location info is included in each profile so it’s easy to find people near where you live (or not!). However, there isn’t any indication of how far away someone may be from another person or even what city they’re located in; it just shows their country name. If privacy is important to ya then this could pose an issue as others will see exactly where ya come from when viewing yer profile. But don’t worry – with a premium subscription comes the ability to hide yer location information altogether!

Speaking of premium subscriptions…there ain’t much benefit other than being able ta keep prying eyes offa yer location details I’m afraid – no extra features or anything like that unfortunately…so unless anonymity really matters ta ya then paying fer one probably won’t do much good beyond helping keep nosy parkers at bay!.

As fer fake profiles? Well I didn’t encounter any while testing out the site myself thankfully but as always with online dating sites: buyer beware! It pays ta stay vigilant when browsing around here just incase some sneaky scammers try pullin’ fast ones over on unsuspecting users..

All-in-all though Illicit Encounters does its job alright; nothing special mind yeh but certainly better than nuthin’. Just make sure tah take all necessary precautions before meeting up with strangers and yeh should bbe fine!.

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that has a bit of an edge, Illicit Encounters might be just the ticket. It’s not the safest option out there but it does offer some decent security features to help keep your information safe and secure.

For starters, they have verification processes in place to make sure all users are who they say they are – no bots or fake accounts here! Plus, if you want extra peace of mind when signing up with them then their two-step verification process should do the trick. And on top of this, photos uploaded by members go through manual review before being approved so everyone can feel comfortable knowing that only real people appear on their site.

Privacy is also taken seriously at Illicit Encounters as well; any data collected from its users is done so securely and stored safely according to GDPR regulations (which I’m sure we’re all thankful for!). They even promise never share user info without consent which means less spam emails clogging up our inboxes – hooray!

All things considered though it looks like Illicit Encounters isn’t too shabby when it comes down to safety and security measures…just don’t expect Fort Knox levels of protection okay? But hey if you’re after something slightly more risqué than other dating apps out there then give ‘em a whirl – what have ya got ta lose?

Help & Support

When it comes to online dating, Illicit Encounters is far from the best. But if you’re looking for a casual fling or something on the side then this might be worth checking out. The support system isn’t great though – I contacted them a couple of times and they took their sweet time getting back to me!

If you need help with anything while using Illicit Encounters, there are two ways that you can get in touch with customer service: email and telephone (though I wouldn’t recommend calling). Unfortunately there’s no live chat option so don’t expect an instant response – but at least they do have some kind of contact page which shows all their details including opening hours. There’s also a Frequently Asked Questions section where users can find answers quickly without having to wait around for someone else’s assistance. It may not be as comprehensive as other sites’ FAQ pages but it does cover most basic queries about membership plans, payments etc., so it should save everyone some time when trying to solve any problems themselves before contacting support directly.

All things considered though, I’d say that if your issue is urgent then maybe look elsewhere; even when sending emails via IllicitEncounters’ website my query was answered after 24-48 hours each time – definitely not ideal! On top of that there were occasions where messages weren’t replied too at all…so yeah…not great overall really..I guess we’ll just have to hope for better luck next time?


When it comes to Illicit Encounters, the pricing isn’t too shabby. It’s not free, but you get what you pay for – and that’s access to a high-quality dating site with plenty of features. The basic subscription is quite affordable and gives users access to all the core features they need for successful online dating. Plus, there are additional options available if you want more from your experience – such as unlimited messaging or seeing who’s viewed your profile – which come at an extra cost but can be worth it depending on how serious about finding love (or something else) through this platform!

Overall, while Illicit Encounters may not have the most competitive prices out there when compared against other sites in its class; their fees aren’t outrageous either so they’re definitely worth considering if looking into premium membership services like these is something that interests you!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, view profiles, send winks, search members
Gold $29 All free features plus: message other members, access to private galleries
VIP $59 All gold features plus: priority customer service, access to exclusive events

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Illicit Encounters include online dating sites such as Match.com, eHarmony, and OkCupid; or traditional offline methods of meeting potential partners like social events, bars/clubs, mutual friends introductions etc.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to explore their sexuality outside of a committed relationship.
  • Best for those seeking an extra-marital affair or casual fling with no strings attached.
  • Best for individuals wanting to spice up their love life without the need of a long term commitment.


1. Is Illicit Encounters legit?

Yes, Illicit Encounters is a legitimate dating site. It’s been around for some time and provides an avenue to meet people who are looking for something outside of traditional relationships. However, it may not be the best choice as there are other more reputable sites out there that offer similar services.

2. How much does Illicit Encounters subscription cost?

Illicit Encounters is an okay choice for online dating, but it’s not the best. It does have a subscription cost which ranges from £14.99 to £49.99 depending on how long you sign up for, so it can be quite expensive if you’re looking for something more permanent than just a few dates here and there!

3. How to find people on Illicit Encounters?

Finding people on Illicit Encounters is relatively easy, as it’s a dating site. You can search for potential matches based on your preferences and interests. However, there are other more reputable sites out there that may be better suited to finding someone special in the long run.

4. Is Illicit Encounters working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Illicit Encounters is working and you can find someone there. However, it’s not the most reliable option for finding a meaningful connection as its focus tends to be more on casual encounters than long-term relationships. If you’re looking for something serious then I’d suggest trying another dating site or app instead.

Sheryl Spangler

Sheryl Spangler is an online dating expert who has dedicated her life to helping people find the perfect match. With a degree in psychology and years of experience as a relationship coach, Sheryl understands how important it is for singles to have access to reliable information about the world of online dating. She loves writing reviews on various sites and apps that help individuals make informed decisions when searching for their soulmate. In addition to her expertise in this field, Sheryl also brings with her extensive knowledge from personal experiences with online dating services over the past decade or so. Her own journey began after she found herself single again following an unsuccessful marriage - something which made her realize just how difficult finding love can be without guidance or support from those around you. It was then that she decided to use what she had learned through both education and experience, combining them together into one package – becoming an authority figure within the industry by providing honest advice based on real-life situations; ultimately allowing others like herself avoid making similar mistakes while navigating through today’s digital landscape filled with potential partners all vying for attention! With every review written by Sheryl comes decades worth of insight along with compassion towards anyone looking for companionship whether they are newbies starting out fresh or veterans who may need some extra assistance in order get back into game once more!

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